Sorry for being annoying
I have no questions for this topic, I just wanted to say sorry for my improper actions towards wolf the other day. I had no right to let the problems in my life translate to the words I use on a new MC player. I am thankful for being unbanned (though I think it glitched, because i'm still muted, so I can't send pm's to people) and will do my absolute best to never disrespect staff again.
But Jak, new topics are fun
But Jak, new topics are fun D:
Okay heres a topic:
What rymns with this topic is solved?
Oh, I know
It would be, Cartose stop telling me that things are solved, amazingly enough the moderators know what they are doing here.
Also, there was no question here, you cannot solve something that is not asking a question.
Wasn't trying to be mean :l I was just making a joke Geez
WoM Coins: 6608
Now top making new topics :)