I was playing infdev today, and all was fine and dandy until I reloaded my level and found myself a mile below the world. It's a really simple problem, I just need to kill myself (in infdev O_O) or respawn or something of the sort. How do I do this? (keep in mind I just bought Minecraft today)
DDDDDDD: theres not some way to just spontaneously die?
are you still in themap? like stuck underground? if yes keep diging underyou youll reach lava that will kill you
noooo I'm under everything, I can't move and all my inventory got taken away.
well in that case im sorry but if map reload dont work youll have to delete it an go on a new one =/ your unlucky i never had such a bug
Same happened to me today; with my main INFDEV map.
Its very annoying after alll the strip mining/structures i built to have that happen;
I havent delete'd my world; just started a new one in hopes that at some point Forge or something can alter where the character spawns when you load up or Notch impliments a suicide button.
...It's just hard starting over again ;( i feel your pain bud.
ok it seems like the new update has fixed this, but I think the error might have something to do with signs..
I was just playing it a few minutes ago - and got the same problem for what must be at least the third time now....
It really needs to be fixed since i'd built loads and mined out all of the explored map (obviously since it's infdev that's not everything but still was alot).
If anyone can find a way of recovering the lost worlds, that'd be awsum - or at least a way of saving infdev levels directly onto the computer to prevent stuff like this being permanant.
Go to the Minecraft forum and NBTedit your way out.
MineEdit can also mod the player location
WoM Coins: 15
The only way I know of to fix this is to make a new world. Hope you haven't built too much! :\