Server Name: STuCK Server
Server IP:
Server Website:
Server Policy: Public
Server Implementation: Bukkit
Host Style/Uptime: 24-7 Dedicated Fluctis Hosting
Server Age: Brand new.
Notable plugins: !Mods don't usually affect
universal gameplay unless you go seeking a challenge. It feels like a
vanilla server. Essentials, Catacombs, Bloodmoon, Infections,
Hellhounds, Anti-Grief Mods, Anti-Lag Mods, Creeper Heal, Custom B02
Community Vibe: Nice, helpful community that tends to build large/amazing things on their own. Communal chests in a few places.
Looking for: Players with any experience or playing
motive (excluding griefers). The mods make it fun for experienced
players without messing with the beginners :D .
Building Type: Free for all!
Server Occupancy: Up to 100 Players.
Current World Size: Massive
Free Land: Plenty of areas close to spawn to work on. Empty plaza near to spawn that needs homes.