Suggestions HERE ---->
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 4619
WoM Coins: 17

Hi Everyone,

Now recently i've seen many come up with ideas for new commands and  i thought of posting them here and realized we didn't have a suggestions section...

what i propose is that we create a sub forum called Suggestions were we would have more sub forums inside..

Suggestions-Commands, Maps, Skins, Other, Etc

Those could be the sub forums inside Suggestions.

Now for my ideas that others have had too:

/Measure- Counts the blocks between point A - B
(I hate counting to 127 when making big things and the losing count)

/Middle- will make a gold block in the middle of point A-B if Point A-B has no middle error shall come back
(note- if gold is present iron would show instead?)


/Random Cloth

/Random material

/Random= Command - Cloth will randomly place Cloth Blocks  at the point a block is created instead of the selected block.
Material- Will create random Material blocks (sand stone rock) I can't really find a use for that but added it because i thought it might be necessary.

Original Command Edits-

/Assign (Arches)

Assigns of 100 wide and 150 Long will come up with a message saying something like: Your assign is too big!


I think we should add a Games Channel for times when World of Minecraft have games they want to play

Channel will be as follows:


(Games such as MW2 for sub channels: inside each sub channel will be another channel callled: groups and also Events)

Please take a moment to read this and ask any questions

- Wildstyle

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Community Managers
WoM Member: 1857
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i like it

but cant add it

twangy kid
WoM Member
WoM Member: 3382
WoM Coins: 1
Do want.

Do want.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4062
WoM Coins: 20

/Measure - You can use /fill then /rollback. Rollback will say how many blocks were changed. (ie. The count of blocks)

/Middle - Good suggestion.

/Random - Use /fill dirt. Wait for so many blocks to turn to grass, then use /fill whatever grass. Repeat as many times as needed to get a horizontal plane of randomly colored blocks of your choosing.

Keep up the suggestions.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 297
WoM Coins: 49
or do a /copy and it will say

or do a /copy and it will say how big it is in every direction.

twangy kid
WoM Member
WoM Member: 3382
WoM Coins: 1
Perhaps measure could be done

Perhaps measure could be done by anyone, anywhere, so that even people who cant fill can use it. :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 297
WoM Coins: 49
/Measure used by any rank

/Measure used by any rank could cause lag

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4619
WoM Coins: 17
Jon, your opinion on the

Jon, your opinion on the suggestions section?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4062
WoM Coins: 20
A whole section would be

A whole section would be useless, but a thread would be great for suggestions. This one can work for now. :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4619
WoM Coins: 17
well how about /Measure is

well how about /Measure is for Designer+ only

Builders and members don't really make things that require it...

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4619
WoM Coins: 17
Original Post Updated!!

Original Post Updated!!

twangy kid
WoM Member
WoM Member: 3382
WoM Coins: 1
/paint    <--- DO WANT/bring

/paint    <--- DO WANT

/bring all       hm, jk, thatd be annoying =P

A link with IRC, like TA has? Also, since the execs can read the chat, how about they can communicate from a distance. And use commands like /spec /member /undo and etc. Ohya, and /say.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4062
WoM Coins: 20
/paint - This is what /fill

/paint - This is what /fill replace is for.

IRC Link - This has already been thought of, and is a good idea. However, if we were to make this, it would be totally different then The Archive's.

twangy kid
WoM Member
WoM Member: 3382
WoM Coins: 1
tottaly.I mean /paint as in


I mean /paint as in can be done by anyone. =D Paint doesn't cause lag, does it?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4619
WoM Coins: 17
I've added some ideas for TS3

I've added some ideas for TS3 too

WoM Member: 5021
WoM Coins: 0
i dont like /random command

i dont like /random command at all but just about all the others are good