Hello. I've been itching to make a skin lately and I don't know what to make. If you need a skin, just tell me and include a picture if you can.
Now I've only made 3 or 4 skins, so don't be mad if I cant make something mega-awesome.
Status: Waiting for requests.
Hey Ultra X,
lol DUDE your freebuilds get greifed, i was building there and so body came and greifed it. >.< lol
could you make a curse mark sauske skin?
Make Chuck Norris skin
Sorry, I forgot all about this, just send in another truckload of requests, I can get them done hopefully.
Lance from Epic Battle Fantasy 3
Flyboy from dawn of the dead 1978
this is an action figure of him but its the only full-body shot i could find.
i dont have a pitchure but could you make me a guy with brown hair white skin tone orange tshirt with brown shorts and white shoes with orange stripes with a daimend sword on his back
Hey can you make a skin wit blue jeans for pants, a short sleeve white shirt wit an open short sleeve black shirt over it, and a purple H on the white shirt? and the brown hair should have a swoop going left if you facing the face. normal minecraft face (plus hair swoop) with green eyes and jus one color for the skin, like a good tan. I kno its alot but i like being specific :D thanks no pic sorry :(
I made u the skin..... check ur other request :p
Darn! I keep forgetting, please go to another post, and stop asking here.
then where do we ask? if not here, send you a message?
hey, ive played an undead rogue all the way to 90, could you make a skin for it?
thanks in advance :)
oooooooooh can i a girl skin in denim shorts and a geek top srry if hard :D
WoM Coins: 39
Try make a general shepard skin from mw2, and a t51 power armoured guy from fallout new vegas and also a humean wearing all black with a skull head?