Well, basically what the title says. If anybody could help on this it would be nice. :)
It didn't help one bit, i'd rather use the website just because of how much I hate the font.
i think i read somewhere that there was a way. i think it went something like "open the file and change font yes to font no"
WoM Game Client 1.7.5 is up.
This version has some new /client commands to disable chat times, and font anti-aliasing, font size has been reduced by 1/9th.
There's a few bugs fixed, and can now individually set environmental effects without having to set a texture to make them activate.
For those that want the old font/chat style, simply copy lib/minecraft/default.png to lib/default, then set /client fontaa off.
If you don't want chat times in text mode, type /client chattimes off
I'll continue to address your concerns over the following days.
I tried the one above (lib minecraft default.png)
But it isn't working for me. Any help?
seems to not be working for anyone exept triddin...
this will remove /client command so be wise with hacks on or off.
go in the minecraft file copy all the files and .png's in it and paste the files in default file. (works with World of Minecraft client 2.0.5-)
WoM Coins: 6
I have no problem with the new txt I just would like my World of Minecraft client to work right.