TRONCRAFT: A simple yet striking texture pack! [WIP]
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Installing textures easily!
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Mr. 8bit Ghost
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TRONCRAFT. It's cool. It's fun! And best of all, it's free.


A house in Troncraft

Various utilities

Iron, Gold, and Diamond with TRON lettering

Wheat at its full height

Mob spawner near Mossy Cobblestone

Caves and Gravel

Minecarts and Cart Rails

A desert biome

Trees, Beaches, and some Clay?!

And don't forget the Nether... now in green!!

Fire still doesn't work. You WILL need Xau's Texture Patch to get lava to be all glitchy-green in the game. It is only 16x16 now, however. Might make a 32x32 later, I dunno.

DOWNLOAD HERE!!! (Includes Textures for terrain, clouds, particles, and underwater viewing)

NOTE: I am working on mobs as well, but I am having difficulty figuring out what is a side of what. if somewhat could post "wireframe" templates of the textures' borders, that would help greatly. :D

Also, I tried editing the item icons, but it wouldnt let me do that. Support is awesome, so please help. ^_^

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This is pretty cool, but the

This is pretty cool, but the lava in the nether would retexture the normal lava to green too? anyway its cool

Mr. 8bit Ghost
WoM Member
WoM Member: 102840
WoM Coins: 1
In Response...

yes, all lava would be green. it looks pretty cool, really. try it out!

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My Reflections...

I think you should try keeping the nether red/orange like in the TRON video game.

im not a big fan of the trees, but they're meh.
I really like how the caves turned out, really cool.
Maybe leave the water alone and see how that looks?
Maybe re-texture the clouds into TRON graphs? I think that would look kinda cool if it had a nice faded edges effect.

Mr. 8bit Ghost
WoM Member
WoM Member: 102840
WoM Coins: 1
My inspirations

The reason why the lava and nether is green is for one reason: Tron 2.0. in Tron 2.0, the "danger" was a corrupted glitchy-green world, shown below:

See? i think the green nether, with the red fog, looks very nice. Most of the choices for the tron world will be based off of Tron 2.0

also, i am actually considering a rehash of the way trees look. it'll look much better with the way i'll set it up.

also, i'd love to make the clouds cool, but the clouds are actually INDIVIDUAL PIXELS. it's hard to make them more complex...

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Awesome texture, actually one of my favs. Looking forward to mobs and items so they look a little less... out of place.

Gui would also be nice, just sayin'.
Thanks, Kutchup

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Green Nether?

Where would I find the green nether textures exactly?

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Sorry to Have to Ask This But How Do I Install It?

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Tron 2.0 Killer App

I love that game, so this is a must-have download for me.