Trying to join a server - Can't reach server
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 599585
WoM Coins: 1

Hello everyone, 


I just bought Minecraft have been trying the cracked version for 1 hour, liked it so much that I bought it. 

Now as I'm using a premium account (I think it is called Premium) I am unable to join any server. 

Every server I'm trying to join is giving me the problem; Can't reach server. 

Is there any way this problem could be solved?


Best wishes,


Staff Member
Community Managers
WoM Member: 1857
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There's a chance that the

There's a chance that the server you're trying to join is currently unavailble

If after several attempts it still doesn't work, you might want to temporarily disable your Firewall and/or Antivirus to see if they block Java