I was CaptainOfTheBoattttt. :D
thats creepy...
how to spot a lier 101
step 1: ask if they have seen herobrine
Well Technically i've seen herobrine but with that minecraft loader thing that lets you log in as any account without a password (this is not how hackers get in to servers and greif and spam, if you try logging on to a server it says bad login) anyway just open a world and press f5. d: also you can be deadmau5 and see a surprise.
Is it so awsome because there a machine out there cloneing steve?
Anyway iv never really understood what this herobine is all about, but i do no that as 1.3.1 it has been removed.
Never herd of captainoftheboat and how is jp_joao name in yellow??
If you type /ranks, there is the rank of "awesome" in yellow. Staff can do this to a player and also change their username when they are the "awesome" rank. I was CaptainOfTheBoattttt.
WoM Coins: 133
Ive seen Real herobrine before, he didnt have a "Herobrine:".
It was just text. Someone banned it. :P