me and my friend wanted to use skins, he was supose to be goku and i was supose to be kakashi. we tried it and we both appeared the same. he was goku and i was goku in his computer, i was kakashi and he was kakashi in my cmputer. how do we both see each other and have seperate skins??
we are on seperate accounts 0_0
and even playing on the world of minecraft client. i play and everyone has my skin, there are however a few people that have different skins. thing is i dont know if they can see me with my skin.
Bump....guys come on plz help? it doesnt seem to be a problem with most people. i get my skins on an other website, cud tht be the problem?
If you've purchased the game, you can change your skin from there, not the World of Minecraft client, and same goes for your friend,
im using the world of minecraft client. how would i change my skin from there? and do i have to buy the game to change my skin??
you have to pay to change ur skin then go to click on prefferences then upload ur selected skin
even for the wow client? when you log on, does it log onto your real minecraft account?
hey bro did you chnge ure CHAR skin? cuz if ures changes Every1 without a skin has ure char cuz its in ure propetys xD
lies you do NOT have to buy the game. you go into appdata, open .minecraft with winrar and go to bin, go to mob, rename your .png skin to Char and tada!
WoM Coins: 2
you both problably or on the same account.. make seperate ones for you and him.