i like to be one who makes deeeeeep underground tunnel systems that can be very hard for those who dont know me well. Though if u work with me, you eventually learn my style and get used to it. If you worrie bout what ill do to your surface heh dont worry, ill be bentath your feet hundred blocks possibly belo you doin my diging. And where do they lead? mmm well i made my recent one go under to the center of a volcano i made and a tunnel system up leads to a expansive base where those who made it ther get watever they want from the chests there lol. theres lots of metals and diamonds, some lava and water etc., glowstones, jack o lanterns and many other including mod items. but well thats my level. im jus seing if anyone can put up with my complexity :p
basically. why not? Theres a few friends i got irl, if no one else, that are gonna add me. Just a few mods lol and its gonna be beast lol
Well i would offer but i pretty much quit WoMRealms.
lol i honestly get lost in my own caves but i wouldnt mind having a helper :O if you want to help just tell me im usually only on during the weekends and a little bit later in the day on school days
WoM Coins: 473
So you want to build for someone else ? and help them ?