We Need A Water Turbine
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 360737
WoM Coins: 1

Minecraft should allow us to make water/lava turbines of some sort that generate redstone electricity/energy.
Basically a block that has a hole in it that is intangible to water (and maybe lava).
Only the sides with the holes are intangible to water/lava.
You can connect turbines to get more power. Either side by side, or one in front of the other.
Only moving water/lava will generate redstone electricity/energy.
If lava can go through then maybe it should generate more redstone electricity/energy than water.

Please respond  with your support, ideas for it, or problems you see.
Thank you for your time

Epic Contributor
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that could be pretty useful, i would certainly use them a lot

(nice name btw)