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Calyster Solaris
WoM Member
WoM Member: 31847
WoM Coins: 8

ok i just randomly falled on this

How do I become a builder or architect?

Players are awarded builder or architect by World of Minecraft Administrators for
showing exceptional building skills. It is not easily earned. There is
also a two-week minimum for either of these ranks.

now can someone explain me how did i became designer on my first day first building? and architect on my first week and 2nd building ???? god probably love me :Pno wait it wasnt god it was GoB for Desi and LaCour for arch well again thx for loving my design :P

Calyster Solaris
WoM Member
WoM Member: 31847
WoM Coins: 8
ok my new avatar is fraking

ok my new avatar is fraking funny XD

WoM Member
WoM Member: 4062
WoM Coins: 20
That's an old FAQ page - the

That's an old FAQ page - the information on it is incorrect and will be updated soon.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 40216
WoM Coins: 15

Congrats on reaching Architect so fast.

In retrospect, If this happened to me, I would not be posting on the forums in case it was some sort of mistake . . . =P
Keep in mind, from what I hear, the 2-week Minimum is still in effect for applying to be a Mod.
And Yes, Brilliantly funny avatar... but mine is still cooler. After all, it is me! =D

Calyster Solaris
WoM Member
WoM Member: 31847
WoM Coins: 8
lol thx for the reply didnt

lol thx for the reply didnt know it was outdated and west wood i do think youll reach arch oneday just keep up the good work :P