When I first started on a new world, there was a giant cliff-wall type thing, and torches were scatter on it. What does it mean? They weren't in a cave either just in random spots.
Does it mean spawer?
I am asking for me and my friend because it happened to him to. Please reply.
No, Singlepalyer. My old one got deleted. And I know they're not from my old file because I have never been in a valley before.
Sometimes, when a save file is deleted and a new world started in that same slot, the level generator goes a bit pear-shaped. I'm guessing that a bunch of torches carried over for some weird reason, and the level generator placed them on that cliff face.
My save was deleted randomly and when I started a game on the same world, I found my stuff. All of the stuff I built was there. Everything.
1 day i had huge lag in my world, the next day it was gone, WEIRD!!
WoM Coins: 13
Are you playing multiplayer?