Why can't I play?
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 340730
WoM Coins: -1

You don't want people to play your game?

No it's not my firewall.

If it takes days/weeks/months to register in your server then you dont know what the f*** you are doing.

You just lost a customer.

Major Donator and Contributor
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lol, customer?

You are giving little details on the problem which makes giving you a solution harder. For one, if you are talking about www.womrealms.com registration, it is easy as a few steps and can only take 2-5 minuets to register. For two, what does your firewall have to do with any of this. For three, lol, customer? World of Minecraft doesn't sell anything, you can make a donation by clicking here though. If you choice to "become a customer" on World of Minecraft, I will walk you though on how to solve your problem(s).

Good Day