So, I there anyone here upgrading to Windows 10 and would we still be able to get on this server if we upgrade?
Yeah I was worried the update notes for Minecraft just made it sound like it was going to be different for whatever reason. Thank you! :)
I just downloaded the new Windows 10 Minecraft. It looks just like the Minecraft PE on Android. How do we get on World of Minecraft on the Windows 10 Minecraft? I see we can add a server but I don't know World of Minecraft server information. Thanks.
Is only in BETA I believe. I'm sure even if it was out there would be compatibility issues with the version of the World of Minecraft server.
Minecraft for Windows 10 is not combatable with Minecraft Java. If you want to get on World of Minecraft, just use the java minecraft and you are fine. that is what we are all using
so what's the ip for windows 10
See the announcement posted here - of Minecraft-game-servers-official-notice
WoM Coins: 1714
Yes and yes.