World of Minecraft client "Could not find main class"
no matter what i do it doesnt work. can someone tell me what i did wrong? i put minecraft.jar (the one downloaded from the given link) into the lib folder.
me too
Same prob... even tried to redownload the minecraft.jar file.. maybe Notch patched it and now we can't hack?
I know the reason! is down! once it recovers we should be back up and hacking! Thank you fellow minecrafters!
mixmantj is right
if any of you read The World of Notch the mincraft site is to popular for the old server so they are upgradeing. they know not how long till it will be up
Well that sucks
That sucks so bad, i love classic :(
i see the problem u need to download the minecraft.jar
and put the .jar in the lib folder
then run RUN.cmd
i hope that helped
WoM Coins: 0
i got the same problem