World of Minecraft Client Hack Permission
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I need to ask, why is it that I am now unable to use hacks with old clients?
I asked Kevinsweijen recently and his answer didn't make too much sense :l

So I'm taking it to here for an answer that will make sense.
Please, why is this happening?

I assume it's an issue with account verification with the new 'direct connect' features, but if it's something that can be fixed, that would be awesome -.-

And for those who would tell me to just get the new client, I could, but then it goes back to my old issue of not being able to enter bigger maps, which would make things complicated when attempting / viewing projects :l

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They don't work anymore.

The new site is not compatible with the old client. It will just keep dying when you try to download the server list.

Also if you need to run on bigger maps, and the new client doesn't have enough memory allocation, you can just run it manually with a bigger memory via the command line (or a batch file)... same as the old client did.
You can probably even just use the old batch file slightly modified.