WOM Client should add being invisible, longer reach, and x10 speed
you all should post your suggestions to and vote up my ideas to have more fun and hopefuly get them added
If invisibility meant hiding your name and showing that you're online etc. then that sounds pretty good :D
Well that would make World of Minecraft a full on griefer client. Which really isnt the point of the client. Lots of servers allow ops to become invisible and there is really no reason for a guest to be able to become invisible. As for 10x speed, surely 4x is fast enough to get across any map in a couple of seconds. And i believe some servers prevent you from building outside of a certain range, and there isnt really a need to increase that anyways. Thats just my opinion though.
1. Invisibility is not a good hack/tool to use, it's useless, so I don't think that should be added
i agree with longer reach, but i do think it has already enough speed.
well invisibility could be REALLY useful in capture the flag.... heh, heh, heh
Invisible would only be for your own realm.
WoM Coins: 6608
1) Invisibility could be used as an excellent griefing tool so i doubt that will be added.
2) I totally agree that longer reach should be added, maybe like "/setreach [distance]"
3) 10x speed would be kind of unnecessary, but still, more speed is never bad :D