...bit of Easter fun
Update: Easter hunt has finished!
We get bombarded with whitelist requests for our secure anti-grief SMP server from people who don't want to build up their ranks and trust in WoM Realms. We want to say Happy Easter by launching a Public SMP server!
Certain anti-griefing measures have been taken however this is not a ranked server and is not linked to our main servers. If you're looking for ranking and serious game play we advise you to use our high level anti-grief servers: WoM Realms & WoM SMP. Consider this a fun, casual server.
Type in your minecraft.net username below for instant whitelist access.
Happy Easter from the WoM Network!
The software is not from triddin, I think it's bukkit so it is not connected at all and won;t be unless a plugin is made which I highly doubt.
I have used the whitelist thing over 10 mins ago and it says im not whitelisted.
:3 :D
I minimised it and i was banned? like full on banned? i didnt even do anything? :S
There were blocks and items missing all with your fingerprints on them.
If you want back in, probation can be arranged :P
People that comes and visits my town... 1 or 2 houses get greifed...
Is there like a plugin that cant let people destroy the blocks u placed?
Yesterday i had 2 furnaces... then the next day... its gone...
If it isn't connected to the World of Minecraft server system or doesn't have mods/admins on the whole time, there is always going to be grief
make you house out of private chests so they can't get through it :P
I ahev ahd it whitelisting for like 2 hours now.....nothing! O.O help?
um... We always seem to need help when placing water... and all that... can u please fix that thing that prevents us from placing water? D:
Hey how come every time i leave the server for a few hours then come back... my house is ALWAYS greifed?
The hells up with that...? need /whodid command... if its not much of a bother, could u add it?
Today a team of Hallyn, frankhawk12, 00buster00, Nikoboi and I found the only stronghold on the map. Lots of it is curentlly being mined by them (toldem not to). We found the portal to the end (not activated yet, of course). As a request I would like my team to activate the portal together. Please respond, staff what you think? It would be AWESOME!!!!
Well activate it then, has nothing to do with staff.
Come on my house keeps getting griefed! I had like 2 furnaces with 30 coal in each one they made holes in my house, the locked door makes no difference coz they can just dig through, and they stole everythign cooking in my furnaces! That included 60 coal, and 20 iron. My whole fam was also griefed, all my wheat was stolen and all my sugarcane stolen as well. This really needs to be dealt with, maybe even including a plugin to allow /assign. I now have no wheat which means I have no food, i cant make my tools and armor i was going to make with my iron bars, and I now dont have any sugarcane. Please somehow fix this grieing problem
sk1l4funz's house got greifed...
x: -182
y: 64.6
z: 11.9
(its in front of spawn)
My suggestion is for everyone to reread the initial post and read it slowly, as it says this is NOT for serious game play as anyone can white list and staff won't be on. Just expect your stuff is going to get griefed and build accordingly. Like maybe super high up in the air or deep underground. Treat it like it is, it's a world of chaos and everyone is out to destroy you. Treat it like it's a post apocalyptic world. build grief traps and whatever you can to kill off griefers...other than that, no more complaining about griefing!!
I shall quote:
Certain anti-griefing measures have been taken however this is not a ranked server and is not linked to our main servers. If you're looking for ranking and serious game play we advise you to use our high level anti-grief servers: WoM Realms & World of Minecraft SMP. Consider this a fun, casual server.
There's 2 options to one who gets griefed.
1. Report it and wait for staff to rollback the griefing and ban the griefer.
2. Fix it and move on. (This option will void option 1)
Is it possible for normal players to loot private chests?
because when i got back my large chest turned into a small chest with half a bed attached to it...
then my 3 iron pickaxes, 1 iron hatchet, 1 stack + 12 seeds, 40 coal, 41 arrows, 2 bows, 5 stacks of cobblestone and dirt are gone....
and on my other chest... 2 stacks of gold are gone o.o...
What's this iBlock preventing me from making farms... and putting down ice?
Ew I dunna like it :/ I think I'm too spoiled with World of Minecraft smp for it...
this site is not leting me play
1. Whitelist with your minecraft username
is the server cracked or not?
you gotta actually have minecraft
Why in the world would World of Minecraft put out a cracked server?
It's not too bad. I enjoy it (mostly because it satisfies my SMP needs right now x3) and the only thing I wana ask, is there like a /fill or /z command, or you decided to not add one?
Any admins? Please come check out my town. there's something you need to see.... BIG greif.
I want World of Minecraft smp back :(
My minecraft user name is tgo1957, but on this server my user name is tommy1957. Could that be why I'm having trouble getting in. I think that I requested on the whitelist on sunday. Can you help.
what is the direct connect url and the server?????
The ip is
Remember this is an smp server, not classic, so you can't connect through the World of Minecraft client, you have to have the full paid version of minecraft.
dude is it bukkit cause i kinda wanna know if its bukkit
Awesome Server.
So hey, this is my problem, So when i first got to this thread, i putted jennypo123 in the whitelist area, then when wolftone1916 gave me a gift code, i came back to this thread,And i clicked on the whitelist area, then i saw that i cant type, Please help me.
I putted the wrong one in the whitelist
it should have been KenTito1
but i typed jennypo123
How can you mistake KenTito1 for jennypo123.... O.o
sk1l4funz, I know jennypo123's Password so i used it to go on easter, That was long ago, Then when wolftone gave me the gifecode, i realized that i cant change it :( so i cant join World of Minecraft Easter :((
I've looked everywhere near spawn and far out, but I can't find any of the chests. If everybody already found the chest, can someone please place some more please.
Thanks for letting me know MrSnowGlobe, ill keep an eye on the website.
does it support most recent update of minecraft?
Hey Snowy! Lol this is the first time i have seen you post on the forum, nice to see you starting to post though. Its weird to see a Server Admin only have 4 points xD , I play it sometimes when im bored World of Minecraft SMP is currently down and it gives me something to do on a World of Minecraft Server, where most of my friends are apart from World of Minecraft Realms which can get a little boring at times once you have bought the full minecraft. I really do hope World of Minecraft SMP comes back up soon because im really starting to miss it, and it gets really boring without it :( At least i have this server to keep me occupied while I wait, even though it is not that fun, most likely because I play World of Minecraft SMP too much :)
I can't get into the Easter server. I've whitelisted my self yesterday, and I still can't get on the server. It keeps telling me to whitelist myself but when I got to the site to do it, it says I'm already whitelisted. WTF?!
Just so you know sexy snowy, you can see their Minecraft name in their profile which is dOminAtoRr in this case (I checked if it was a premium account and it is).
You are already whitelisted and should get in fine... I reloaded the whitelist for good measure but let me know if you still can't get in.
H4X, you should install the seat plugin ;)
Just wondering if the server is still up, because it now says whenever I try to log on "Connection Lost - End of Stream" (I got logged off in the middle of playing too).
I am getting the same error :( need my MC fix lol
Perfect, Thanks!
On this server, half of the population claimed I have been selling access to the End Portal which was privated for Hallyn and her crew. I did not do such a thing. I swear! I feel terrible about this. They claim that I did a week ago, but I didn't. It could of been one of my friends who I gave my account info to so she could try it but she is trusted and doesn't even have the server. And I did that weeks ago. Is there anymore information about this? I need to find the culprit. I will not stand here and let myself get a bad reputation and lose one of my first MC friends, Hallyn.
As far as I remember, somene and frankhawk12 were asking for diamonds to go to the end.
Last week, I never got requests to go to the end. Or people wanting to pay me diamonds for anything... This is very weird. The weirdest thing... What a terrible week I'm having ^^' I'll find out about this rumor about me giving people access to the end. Thanks for the info.
The Server Is Good I Got 35 Diamonds Left :O Runnig Low On Diamods Cause I Donated Some To boy_soilder LOL!
Need to do another server reboot. I got the "End of Stream" error again.
when i try to connect, it says end of stream. whats that meam??
When this happens I usually load a single player world and try multiplayer again or I just close Minecraft and load it again :)
what i do is wait a few sec then i refresh, and go on the server
Hi the server crashed and spawned me at an old location with most of my stuff (items) gone. I was working on a new home and put my name in a sign. Can you help me get back to it and hopefully get my items back? Thanks
Don't worry about it, built a new house and I'm up and running again. :)
It won't let me join! What do i do?
Have you whitelisted yourself?
please make it non-premium please sow everyone can join all
so many people i met in easter smp are commenting here :D btw lunick when r u coming on again D:
I typed in my name but nothing happens and it says "Can take up to 30 seconds to process" but it been saying that for a week now.
i know why i was banned. i had a crapload of diamond. i fell in lava. got pissed. stole the diamond throne. i am sorry. i will never grief again. i learned my leson. you server is really the best. i literally tried 52 others. can i be on probation or something. i promise, i made a mistake. i was desprate. amd tell mikey to lhouse alone. i dont like him.
my name on the server is NIGHTxM4RE97. please unban
Well Lunick. You cant do probation for me? I was at school when I was banned for griefing. The only computers we have at school minis. The minis have so much lag, and I only took away 2 or 3 blocks near the spawn. I didn't even mean to take them away. There was so much lag that I was trying to do something, and I took away those blocks on a accident. Please Lunick, give me another chance.
Wait, how do you take away blocks on accident? What were you doing?
just think of this the moment you took the blocks you could have been lagging the moment you didn't return them you where griefing nuff said
yea it did crash :(
My comments keep getting deleted!
you did fix it? I am actually watching it and the refresh does not lie. remove that crappy plugin they admitted that it still lagging of course they still wont admit that its a major memory leak.
i agree, besides it keeps saying cant reach server, idk why it keeps saying that?
even though the server is fixed
hey linick, did u recive word from hax
I've got some questions about the server reset.Like:When is the reset going to happen?Will the stuff in our chests be taken away?Will we be able to keep the things in our inventory?
No, I'm talkimg about the map refresh.
okie dokie
I was trying to get to the MobArena and a link brought me anyone know exactly how to get there?
WoM Coins: 1556
Is this server just for Easter or is it going to be up forever?