I have been using World of Minecraft for not too long, once out of curiosity in what it would do, i typed /hack in a minecraft classic server, since then, i have not been able to use my World of Minecraft hacks, the "Enable Hacks" always appears grey and unclickable, was that incident related to my World of Minecraft Hacks not working, if so or if not, can you please list a possible solution if any.
Sadly, it did not work, i still cannot enable hacks, i think the problem might be in my account, not my client, I hope i don't have to make a new account, but then again, I am not completly sure why they are not working.
have you tried using it on different servers?
Yep, I tried using it on a variety of different servers, I can't even use it on servers that I have used it on before.
have all those servers had when you join '-hax +ophax'?
You people are so silly.
Just open up the chat window and type
/client hacks on
That should fix it.
You sir are very awesome, it worked and i feel like an idiot, i completly forgot that someone told me to type /client hacks off , man , You sir deserve some Aunt Jemimah Pancakes.
This might sound abit silly but did you press " Z " aswell ? :P
And not just tag hax on? =P
Aunt Jemimah Pancakes. Hehe! :D
WoM Coins: 1556
Re-download the client and see if the check box works after that.