World of Minecraft heartbeat problems
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WoM Member
WoM Member: 383674
WoM Coins: 11

since had there server problems,
my ip/port/salt combination keeps showing an error.
Error, IP/Port/Salt combination is not valid

I am using fcraft 0.613
was working all good before the Xmas mess-up..

wom direct gives me someone's server name to my server?
my server is [adult freebuild 18+ only]
everytime i startup my server, it auto gives me someones name already on the server list?
if i refrash every 2min or so the name changes on its own.. the
[Actual] name stays the same, just the [name] keeps changing on its own.

i got a response from fragmar creator of fcraft, he has checked it at his end, and all seems to be ok with the salt generation..
and the fcraft client..

There are duplicated copies of the server names in World of Minecraft heartbeat list,
on many peoples servers.

This problem has been going on, for over 5weeks now.. ?
Its still not fixed after the World of Minecraft direct 6h downtime Sunday night.?

WoM Member
WoM Member: 383674
WoM Coins: 11

info update..
my server shows up properly on the server list,
all seems to be woking ok there, if i shutdown server. resets my uptime like it should.

peace love & respect

WoM Member
WoM Member: 356857
WoM Coins: 10
the reason for the doubles on

the reason for the doubles on the World of Minecraft server list is due to show the World of Minecraft Direct link and the original minecraft link :)

WoM Member
WoM Member: 383674
WoM Coins: 11
to hirsty

sorry you misunderstood.
I am not talking about using World of Minecraft client, i know doubles show up in there..
I am talking about  the
where my [[Actual]] server name only shows up once ..
but the [[name]] doubles from another server, and changes on its own, every 2 to 3 Min,,
and the Server editing page is not working,
To change it my self,,@

this was all working fine before the xmass, spam hack of
this has nothing to do with using the World of Minecraft client..
peace & love

when signing in to World of Minecraft client =
valid box not ticked = same server list as
valid box ticked = messed up server list, showing old servers, of which some direct play codes, no longer work.. also showing up some old spammed hacked servers..

WoM Member
WoM Member: 383674
WoM Coins: 11
28-01-12 World of Minecraft direct issues

28-01-12 World of Minecraft direct issues - Reported to be fixed..
Sorry to say all the above is still applying to me..

The hacked spammed servers are still showing up in valid box ticked World of Minecraft client... Click the players count in World of Minecraft client. To bring the most players in a server, To the top of list,
you will see the spammed servers at the top..
Sad face ;(

Good to see the World of Minecraft crew are on the case thou ;-)
peace & respect..

WoM Member: 240803
WoM Coins: 341

Well, it's not really a huge problem that the hacked servers are still showing up (they are, but only one a piece), the real problem is that all of the servers that do not have a World of Minecraft direct url in the valid list are cached urls from like a month ago (some of those servers are real, but they arent up anymore or have changed urls since the list was created), in fact the entire list seems to be a cached list, with some World of Minecraft direct urls being the only ones that are updating.  That's why you cant join from the valid list (yet, hopefully they can get it fixed).
The valid list eliminated the hacked servers from taking up the entire list and lagging it terribly by only showing them once, but for some reason the list isn't updating when new servers are put online without a World of Minecraft direct url and when a url change occurs in a server the valid list isnt picking it up.
This is the list if you wish to look at it  (although you may need to copy and paste this into your browser bar for it to work, cuz it seems like this link works sometimes and doesnt others).  I can tell you for sure that the server of awesomeness + hax (my main server) hasnt had the first url that is in that list for about a month (the second one is from about two weeks ago).. That's what I'm basing my assumption about the fact that the list having trouble updating on.

WoM Member
WoM Member: 160113
WoM Coins: 88

rlly? thats weird i thought moujave said he fixed this on jan 28th.

if ur still getting this then try reinstalling World of Minecraft client and check if ur java is up to date. heres a link to verify ur java:

if u still cant fix it, then u should report it through debugging.


WoM Member
WoM Member: 383674
WoM Coins: 11
yes it is weird

yes it is weird

I have reinstalled World of Minecraft client to 2.0.7
I have the latest java, =  verified by and tried uninstalling, deleting java tempory files, deleting windows tempory files, deleting java registory, and reinstalling to latest java, =  verified by

although I see this not having much to do with running server software,
as you need the latist or compatible dotnet software for your server to function properly.

it is the server software that sends the World of Minecraft direct heartbeats,
the heartbeat is working fine,
you can see the World of Minecraft heartbeat problems by going here

you will see the problems as stated above in my posts.

I still cant edit additional fields for my server via the server editing page..
 as i said before this only started happeing after the xmass hack spam attack.. of

look at the valid list on World of Minecraft client, there are loads of servers that are still stuck, there ip & port are no longer active or changed..
tick valid box off and you can see the difference..

peace, love & respect..

WoM Member
WoM Member: 160113
WoM Coins: 88

hmm i cant open the World of Minecraft direct page without getting the "internet cant open this page" error. moujave made a thread to post errors like this though that thread is locked. u can take a look at it but cant post anything in it unfoutunatly. it is: of Minecraft-realms-and-World of Minecraft-direct-heartbeat-problem-fixed

this was posted yesterday so urs should work... because its not, u should let him know of this. (i dont know how though)