World of Minecraft: Main ~ Guest Area
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WoM Member
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I know its only for guests, so as a builder I can't build in it.
But the question is, where does the guest area end?

I thought it was the inside of the red box/water wall and the guests can do whatever they please inside of it.
So earlier I was told by admins that the area above the guest area is the guest area still, even tho I know the guests can't build up there due to it being outside of the redbox/waterwall.

I would like someone to confirm the exact extent of the guest area.
Also knowing how close I can build to it is also helpful.

Thanks in advanced,

WoM Member
WoM Member: 3480
WoM Coins: 2
The guest area assign reaches

The guest area assign reaches to how high the walls go, however, no one is to build above it regardless of membership. the guest assign also reaches into the ground (exactly how much I do not know), but not all the way into the bottom. Guests may not build below that, members may if they keep their distance from the boundary.

As a general rule don't build right next to the guest, keep it 5 blocks away.