Xenuz' Palace
This palace was a solo project by me, Xenuz ^-^
I spent roughly two months building this (started around christmas). The project itself wasn't inspired by anything in particular, but is based on a mix of many things, however mainly arabian architecture. I also got some inspiration from a guy called Saiko.. Anyway, constructive criticism is greatly appreciated. Hope you enjoy, and if you do indeed like this, don't be afraid to visit my realm! :3
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Thanks, Skyara! Yeah, I have to admit I got some inspiration from Kent, as well. And yeah, I'm really bad at choosing colors. Should've been more shiny, aye? The greyscale doesn't really represent the palace-style that well, but whatever :p
You have free time?
yay for random mushrooms in
yay for random mushrooms in the pictures :3
WoM Coins: 1028
Looks awesome Xenny! It's like Kent's old palace, expect in greyscale :D