Mine-craft seems to be up but try logging into a server. It gives you no free connection error.
can someone tell me how to do this on a mac?
^ cant wont move at all
same error..
well i have a windows pc like 9 idk the number and it wont work!
Well when i try to run World of Minecraft client on ANY server, it will NOT connect to it. I am using Windows 7 64 bit. The thing just says, WARNING: Unknown Windows 7
i love that game!
i love that game!
i have no download link? help plz
tahnk you
The damn client doesnt work, i put the file in the LIB folder like it says in the frickin readme and it still doesnt work, it just doesnt find the java file so i did some digging, the classic minecraft has no frickin client anymore this DOESNT and WILL NEVER work...
If you have the "Failed to run minecraft" error, this may solve it. I had the problem but once i downloaded this Jar file provided by WorldOfMinecraft.com, then put it into the lib folder, it worked. https://s3.amazonaws.com/MinecraftDownload/classic/minecraft.jar
dont download the jar from the official site where it says download next to alpha. thats the wrong version.
accidental double post sorry.
How do i get my java login
You dont have to login to any java...
The one you are looking for is the "Minecraft login", go register on www.minecraft.net and use that.
Not working for me, got a diffrent error.
Could not find the main class: Main Program will now exit,
ERROR: Failed to run minecraft.
What shall I do D;!
So i load it up off the .bat file, and login, then no servers come up on the list. It works on my other computer. I tried bookmarking a server and using that but it always puts me to single player.... please help!
i cant down load this it says i need to login
I dont know what the actual java activation is because i have Windows 7 Ultimate.
Thanks <3
How do i apply this to my Single player game? :O as it has no ip to connect to ^^
I'm getting the same long winded message as everyone else. Is it possible that Notch has updated minecraft to get rid of the hacks? The website is back up, i've put the JAR file in the correct place and still no flying :(
i downloaded the 1.5.9 file, still didn't work. i also downloaded the .jar mc and put it in the lib folder, still said: Error, failed to run minecraft.
Please help...
why dioes it still say failed? i can see other people using the mods, but i cnt y?
I have mac os X 10.6 and it seems to not work, the file will not run even if I follow all the instructions. Can anyone fix this?
So how do i apply this to my Single player game? :O as it has no ip to connect to ^^
where do i download it?
Downloaded the womclient-1.5.9.zip and the minecraft.jar
it wont let me download >.>
logged in, download links are still grayed out..
help pl0x?
Sweet ^_^. Many people say hacking in MineCraft is for lazy people, but meh..
minecraft.jar doesn't open
you have t dowload the .jar file from the link, not the minecraft site :P idk it works for me lol. but now i cnt go online. EVERYTIME I OPEN IT IT SAYS failed to load servers :(!!!
Client wont work Error: Failed to load minecraft
JAVA 6="c/Program files blah blah Java/Jre6/bin/java.exe",
Press any key to continue....
It's annoying. I have the right client and jar file, i used to be able to use the client i was was perfectly using it before. so it doesnt make sense
And ALSO the fact that i can't even use the browser version, i click on a server logged into my account, got up server list clicked on one of my ranked up servers, !!!!DO WHATEVER YOU WANT!!!!! and nothing, it comes up with the little black box and i scroll up or down and it messes it up, so i cant actually play multiplayer, literally.
Sorry for long post, but i'm freaking out, because
I WUV MINECWAFT who doesn't? (Stupid people)
If you download net 2.0 you hacks will work only if u got the Main Page Error before you are getting that beacuse the hack comes in a .zip folder and you need NET 2.0 to open them the web adress to download NET 2.0 is http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=0856eacb-4362-4b0d-8edd-aab15c5e04f5&displaylang=en
You will also need NET 2.0 for INVEdit to work on Alpha, so it is a double whammy. Hope that helps you guys out.
I just rembered that it does not support 64 bit systems.... That sucks because 64 bit computers run better on Minecraft. More updates soon.
-GUD|1S1K and im also GUD|OU812 Soon to be GUD|OICU812.
I just rembered that it does not support 64 bit systems.... That sucks because 64 bit computers run better on Minecraft. More updates soon.
-GUD|1S1K and im also GUD|OU812 Soon to be GUD|OICU812.
there are no servers on the list that appears after you launch the hacks, and when i type in a URL it generates a random level
I went through/read it multiple times..
it dont work by my
hhgfhgfhgfhgfhgfhghghghgtf thgh hght t hhtrh trg
whilst using this client i cannot conect to any severs after logging in
Love it! Except the noclip doesn't work 99% of the time.
where are down loads
I tried your troubleshooting but still i had it saying 'Could not find the main class: Main. Program Will Exit' and thats all, I don't know what to do. Please Help!
i downloaded the jar file, which i saw some posts above.
now it start, but there are no servers!
WHY IT DONT WORK?? please help meee..
it tells me i need a password to extract the run.bat. file. all the other files are extracted fine. I NEED HELP!!!!!
it tells me i need a password to extract the run.bat. file. all the other files are extracted fine. I NEED HELP!!!!!
Evertime i play World of Minecraft , login and try to play whether its a new map or free build map it says the same thing "bufferOverflowexception" or something and i CANT play!"{ any1 know anything? Note: i already tryed installing and reinstalling java :/
unknown windows: windows vista .... Srly? no servers show up aswell wtf?
i click download folder and save to desktop and it does Not have the option to extract files... i cant get anyfarther than having a piece of paper on my desktop named as womclient-1.5.9.zip with an e on it. when i open it it opens hundreds of internet explorer programs.
Sounds to me like you have file association issues. What operating system are you on?
Also, make sure you actually saved it as a .zip file and not an .html file. To figure this out, right-click the file, go to Properties, and see if it gives the extension beside the "Type of file".
(You can also go to Control Panel, look for Folder Options, View Tab, and uncheck "Hide file extensions for known file types", then click Apply then OK. If that file ends with .html and not with .zip, then it's saved wrong. After you check that, you can go back to Folder Options and check that box again.)
If it's saved as an HTML document and not a ZIP folder, then try right-clicking the file, choose "Save target as" or "Save link as" and try saving it again. Make sure it's saving as a "Compressed (zipped) file.
If it's a file association problem, look here for file association fixes:
what if you see this error
Autodetecting java
Testing default folder
Checking C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 folder
Found java in C:\Program Files\Java\jre6 folder
Starting java from "C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"
Access is denied.
ERROR: Failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"
Press any key to continue . . .
Unknown OS:
Windows Vista???
i get a error like this:
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
what do i have to do
Is there already a Minecraft Alpha client, like the Minecraft Classic Client? That would be nice :D
Hi guys, i love minecraft, and i have a problem with the custom client, not that my cheats aren't working, but it won't startup. I'm running windows 7 home premium 64 bit edition, i have the latest java edition installed and working, but when i run the .bat file, i get an error message saying
"Could not find the main class : Maim. program will now exit.
ERROR: could not run minecraft
JAVA6="C\Program Files(x86)\Java\jre.1.6.0\bin\java.exe"
Please help?
i put minecraft.jar into the lib folder like the instructions say, then ran the run.bat with console. and it still says it that minecraft.jar is missing. it does this every time i re-extract/re-download/reopen.
dumb ass creator
Heyy i realy want to play online but when ever i start it up it says couldn't retreive online servers :(
Caan any one help me PLZZ
there's no Download Link... WTF
there's no Download Link... WTF
The new location of the minecraft.jar is on the amazon cloud server Here.
The new location of the minecraft.jar is on the amazon cloud server Here.
So, the deal is... i followed the instructions to the letter, Java.exe is fouund, minecraft.jar is in the lib folder... but this is my error right here
Hi, I am French, then I use a french AZERTY keyboard. World of Minecraft don't allow me to change keys to move, etc (and it's impossible to change keys for flying, etc.).
Thanks :)
You guys like penises? Because it really does feel that way, who ever had the whole idea of being a member to download this is a really gay person ;) Good luck with all of those penises in your mouth ;)
it always doesnt work right after i log in on the login screen!!!!!! i hate it! whats wrong???!!!!!!!
i downloaded the jar and put it in the lib file. but it said it couldnt find it so i renamed it to minecraft.jar
and it still didnt work..
I have the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/mojang/minecraft/
I know that its above, amnd says read instructions andput minecraft.jar in correct directory.
I have moved minecraft.jar from
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\.minecraft\bin
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\womclient-1.5.9\lib
as it says
but i get that error... any ideas?
You r doing it wrong.
Download minecraft.jar from given website (starts with s3...) then put IT in C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/lib
I get "there is no default application to run the specified "run.bat"" what do I do? :o
If you are using Mac, you need to use the minecraft-osx.sh file.
Right-click on the file in Mac, go to "Open With" and choose "Other" and look for "Terminal". Check the "Always Open With" box and click OK.
cant download :P
Works but i can get banned?
When u try to activate the cheats on "C" it makes one press when u push the key down and one press when it goes upp. so when u try to activate on the key "C" it double clicks and it goes like on off on one click, i don´t know how to solve this though....
i dont see download link D=
Well ive done everything right. But when I go to run the program there are no servers listed. When I tey to add a server, it just takes me to a blank level.
I dont think this supports windows vista because i have an error saying: WARNING: Found unknown Windows version: Windows Vista.
Please Help!?
f*** dis ><
when i start the client only appears two or one server
WOW great hack but TNT dont work lol Thanks man, If it's possblie can you send me all the keys with the hack like how to use the hacks and that ecta i kno a few keys i read the usage but i don't understand. thanks dude!
everything works for me, but when i open it, like only 1 or 2 servers pop up and also i made some book marks and URLs, but when i tried to get into them, the screen just dont even load or anything. ANY HELP??? :(
Only works whit the url ;)
www.minecraft.net/servers.jsp shows only like 1-4 servers.
minecraft.net/servers.jsp (without the www. at the start) shows the normal number of servers.
The World of Minecraft client gets the server from the link with the www. at the start,
that's why you see only a few servers in the server list.
I'm not sure why it's like this, but that's what i noticed.
I get:
dude... i put minecraft.jar in the file and it still deosnt work
i watched atleast 20 videos and i followed the EXACT same thing they ALL DO and its ALL THE SAME THING. i did the readme about 10 times and it still says :
could not find the main class: Main. Program will exit.
ERROR= failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="C\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"
Press any key to continue...
hello i downloaded the fly pack and put the jar file into lib but cant see any severs now could any one help tell me what im doing wrong
I downloaded the .zip World of Minecraft folder and I extracted it to a new folder "World of Minecraft"
then I downloaded the .jar (I don't use linux or other so this was different, but I still followed the instructions) and placed it in the lib folder.
I then ran the run.bat and got this error:
Could not find the main class: Main. Program will exit.
ERROR: Failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"
Press any key to continue..........
will this tool get a update?
i cant get the fly snd the speed hack
Wow thanks Bro
Ive downloaded the hack and did all that was mentioned in the readme and it works.
who is Url run ?
who is Url run ?
hi guys
I´ve got windows7 (64 bit) and try to
download minecraft.jar but it keeps saying:
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
C:\Users\(My name)\Appdata\Local\Temp\minecraft.jar
What does this mean and can somebody plz help me
Thanks a lot
cant downlaode it
Cant download the minecraft.jar file its keeping downloading
When I start the hacks it just stays blank it never loads
im having the issue where u say to just re-do the instructions. i did that and it wont work plz help!
Help guys, i'm logged in but for some reason I can't download the file.
I tried fixing the problems
Could not find the main class: Main. Program will exit.
Warning: lib\minecraft.jar not found.
Did you read instructions / download it?
but it still dosen't work.
read the god damn instructions
im gonna ask it again
when i go to the server list it does nothing :(
When I clicked run from the new folder I exraxted from tehn i click a button but nothing happens..... what do i do >_<
The readme file has been updated.
Don't forget to always check http://www.worldofminecraft.com/readme.txt for the latest readme.
alright my friend is hosting a private server, and i'm not 100% sure how to use this on his server. he doesn't have it up in the minecraft server list, so i dont know how to get it to work. can someone please help me on this?
Uh...Download Link. -.-
cool ive put the minecraft jar file in lib then run data and it just says same thing all time that read instructions rubbish..so i redownload it then do again still same then try putting diff minecraft files in ...same and dont try saying i havent done it right when i no i have..
i got an error saying:
Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from
WHAT DO I DO????????????????
noclip doesnt work..
It says: INvalid Value (1281) and then appears a list of things sayign (1281)
This hack is not that bad...
this file and this is all you need http://www.mediafire.com/?2i0ybq9avwu3d
I keep getting this. I won't post the whole thread but it long.
A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
# EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x4039a3c0, pid=4260, tid=4184
# JRE version: 6.0_22-b04
# Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (17.1-b03 mixed mode windows-x86 )
# Problematic frame:
# C 0x4039a3c0
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
# http://java.sun.com/webapps/bugreport/crash.jsp
# The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.
# See problematic frame for where to report the bug.
it says couldn't find server list :going to single player can anyone help
It was running perfectly before, but now when I execute run.bat, it acts as normal until a login. After about 2 minutes of nothing, it comes up with
Cannot find server list. Going single player. [OK]
I load a server and then the screen just stays blank.......... nothing happens
PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!
i'm logged in but i cant diwnload it O.o
HALP, i have a error that says :
org.lwjgl.LWJGLException: Pixel format not accelerated
Im running on windows 7 btw :o
Crashes my firefox ALL THE TIME
ple make a fix
I am getting several problems with Could not find the main class. This is generally caused by having more then one method called Main in your program.
I made some changes to the launcher script. You should adopt this.
http://pastebin.com/VX93tz83#!/bin/sh<br><br>test `which java` >/dev/null && JAVA="`which java`" || JAVA=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6/Home/bin/java<br>basename=`basename "$0"`<br>DIR=`echo "$0"|sed s/"\/$basename"//g`<br>test "$DIR" != "`pwd`" && cd $DIR<br>test -f "$DIR/lib/jinput.jar" || DIR=""<br><br>echo hai<br>RUN="true"<br>while [ "$RUN" = "true" ]<br>do<br> $JAVA -classpath skin:$DIR/lib/jinput.jar:$DIR/lib/lwjgl.jar:$DIR/lib/lwjgl_util.jar:$DIR/lib/World of Minecraft.jar:$DIR/lib/minecraft.jar -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true -Dsun.awt.noerasebackground=true -Dsun.java2d.d3d=false -Dsun.java2d.opengl=false -Dsun.java2d.pmoffscreen=false -Xmx800M Main<br> test "$?" != "10" && RUN="false"<br>done
i get this error
ERROR: Failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.6.0_22\bin\java.exe"
but everything is in it right place and im using windows 7
so what do i do to fix this
I have the issue in which i followed the instructions to the dot, but when i hit run and input my user/pass i get a blank screen with your maps, servers, and bookmarks. My freind then gave me a link to put in that url thing and when i hit go, it loads a single player map not the url i put in.
dudz really..lol.I was like wwwwwait a muinit how do u fly?!?there like type fly..but it doesnt work
i have an azerty keyboard, so playing with qwerty is very uncomfortable can any1 help me fix it
Hey Im haveing trouble connecting to a server cuz there is no servers listed i did everthing rigth but it wont list the server
I have downloaded this and it works great, only problem is that when i make a level with it i cannot reload that level even if i try to open it in minecraft.net anyone else have this problem?
Error: Java.io.EOFException: Unexpected end of ZLIB input stream
i get this error: failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="c:/program files/jave/jre1.6.0_07/bin/java.exe
what i need to do
plz help
Umm, how do I add a save of my own for it to load?
Umm, how do I add a save of my own for it to load?
sweet thanks so much!
i hope this client code works!!!!!!!!!!!
thanx i like it 8-)
when i start up this, it wont show the servers to connect to. HELP!
when i extract it theres only 2 files and i cant open them
Single player works perfect but multiplayer wont work
Whenever i try to connect it says Cannot Retrieve Server List.Going Single player and i know the servers are up because my sisters computer can connect to minecraft using World of Minecraft client. I can only connect to classic from the website.. Whyyyy?? World of Minecraft client was working for me before please tell me
Why the hell isnt this working it instantly says going to single player PLEASE HELP!!!
All people saying hack doesn't work can't fly, mine doesn't even start up. I have been waiting for about an hour now and it is stuck at starting from java/blah blah blah blah and I am preety sure it will stay there. FOREVER :( H2W1P M3H
It was working fine until today when i got off minecraft and tried to get back on and it wasn't working...i reinstalled it but nothing all i get in the login screen but its clear and i cant see the servers or anything? Can anyone help?
i want to play viet ppl
works fine.
can this client change my skin?
A lot of people have the no-seeing-servers problem ... so do I ... pls help us
I cant find the download!
when i try executing run.bat it asks me to select an application.
Mine starts up fine, but when I choose a server or try to generate a new world, I just get a white screen.
(ERROR: failed to connect to minecraft)
waht i do
I downloaded the .jar file
extracted it to lib, ran the .bat file, i got the "follow instructions, you dumbf*** error"...
any suggestions?
for the downloading java troubleshoot, I opened the run batch file in notepad and changed the corresponding part to the correct location, but am I supposed to save it into the folder with the run batch file or what? the only way I know how to run the run batch file in notepad is to go to file->open, however that opens a whole new notepad file, so if I changed the java path it wouldn't actually change...? i don't know much, any info would be nice
i downloaded the minecraft.jar into the lib folder and ran it but lib/minecraft.jar/ not found is always what comes up
my .bat log keeps saying, cannot run a 32bit .dll on a 64bit ADM or something like that, it's really annoying and i wanna fix it.
when i use the minecraft.jar IT DOESN'T WORK IT SAYS FAIL TO SAVE HELP ME
i did everything but it doesnt find the file
COOL! Thanks :D
Ive download it on my mac but i cant open it. A message appear and say: Impossible to open ....
I have an account as you see here, but the download link dosn't appear! Can anyone help?
I downloaded minecraft.jar and put it in the lib folder as instructed and it won't work! Help!!!
client is sooo slow..i must wait minutes for each thing..
open run.bat & login << perfect
waiting for serverlist << 2 minutes
waiting for server(game) << 2 minutes
waiting for serverlist after switched game << 2 minutes.
whats that :((??
This client was fine till around November, now every time i open the run.bat it takes a long while to open the log-in, but sometimes the log-in pops right away. Though when its time to load the sever list it takes really long to load. Also once i load the sever list, i choose one of the servers and it takes another long while to load. Also its slow for switching takes for ever too. Do you think it has to do with the update, possibly you might need to update the client? I hope this gets fixed because I have stopped recommending this client to others because of how slow it is.
When I open the page to get onto a server, there are no servers. I tried pasting in the URL and trying to get into a server from there, but it keeps putting me onto singleplayer. How do I get onto multiplayer?
I have the Minecraft.jar file in the lib folder of womclient but i still get the error message saying ERROR:Failed to run Mincraft
I get and error that says "cannot find the main class: Main.
I love the World of minecraft client. I really do, but however when in Hax mode, i find the double jump too ridiculously quick to be used. This is a problem when trying to jump and place a block underneath yourself and you go flying across the other side of the map.
The Client Is Really Slow For Me, It Was Fast. It Takes For Ever For The Server List To Come Up.
How to i add servers?
what it a user name and code
This doesn't work mine has a problem not listed.
No error popped up but the screen is completely white can anyone help?
MAKE IT FOR SINGLEPLAYER!!!!! All the Servers Suck.
Are there any survival servers? And if so, is it possible to load your custom maps onto them? Also, how do you create a server?
Are there any survival servers? And if so, is it possible to load your custom maps onto them? Also, how do you create a server?
for everything i try it says failed to load main class manifest, what do i have to do, nothing has worked.
İ cant see link
hoi verder niks
hi, i have an error and dont know how to fix it
wen i play on a server it works and wen i play single it works but wen i load a level i cant use the hacks... plz help
at the top beside dump level, make sure the enable hacks box is checked
look for the enable hacks box beside dump level and make sure it's checked
Wtf I cant see the link :/
i cant see the link too oO
when i try to join a server or do single player when my internet doesnt work, the client screen is white, and not black or red like it normally is... wtf's wrong
I cant Connect to servers the Programm say : Clould not retrieve server list .
i can't play at all heres a screenie of what the client does: http://gyazo.com/9a29115dce2a82eab5d7f0352d7600cd.png
even though my server is running properly and other people r on it, heres a screenie: http://gyazo.com/1f51a6df34172f3d91e61c88e1f16e46.png
plz help me, i want 2 play
also i can't play it by just putting the link 2 a server in the browser, its just comes up as generating lvl
@ Lord_Mota: It looks like you might have put your username and/or your password in wrong. Log in with your minecraft.net information, and see if that fixes it.
if u never said that i wouldn't of checked, and guess what it was saying 'lord_mota were i signed in the client.
so happy u replyed
im logged in and the downloads dont work
I put the url to a server into a bookmark, tried to load it but it just generates a level. Anything I did wrong?
thats awesome
it dosnt come up with a server list pls someone help me
I got the same as the other guy!
It works fine until i put in a URL for the server i want to play iin. Then it goes to the game menu and freezes. then it displays this message while frozen:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null!
What to i do???
It works fine until i put in a URL for the server i want to play iin. Then it goes to the game menu and freezes. then it displays this message while frozen:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: input == null!
What to i do???
sorry for the double post...
Does this support Windows 7????
MIne doesnt work
Doesnt work anymore
wow thanks
i have gotten to the box to login except its blank and the command keeps reapeating the same start up lines... please please please help
I cant download it becouse it uses to long time to get on the link >.<
i have a problem
i can´t download it beacause there stand :
If you do not see the download below, you need to Login or Register
i have a problem
i can´t download it because there stand :
If you do not see the download below, you need to Login or Register
same as skittles
This is the error which i get and ive done everything to fix it like reinstalling java and World of Minecraft. Anyways heres the error
how would i run this on a mac when i can not rum .bat files??
weres the download button?
this says for mac, so u cant run .bat files on mac, i put the minecraft app in the lib folder but i can not run a .bat file, ehat now
does this work in alpha some how
So, how do you run this on Mac OS X Snow Leopard? I followed all the steps to the letter, so I know it's not user error, and I really wanna be able to fly and stuff.
sorry, did not mean to double post.
i dont even get close to the minecraft.jar part, as soon as i download go to open it says its an invalid zip file and im pissed
I only got 2 use the custom client for 1 day and when I went on the next day poof! I couldn't use it anymore! D':
When I start the .bat file I log in then there's another blank space.
Should there stay all the servers? Here not.
So I can only play single player with this :S
mine has no errors but when i run it, no servers or anything come up but the first time i opened it, it worked fine and it loaded all servers now it just shows blank and itll close if i leave it for a few secs
im logged in but cant click the download links
Ugh is see a zipped file no jar-.-
HELp me
When is the lates version
Lets try..
when i start it and log in it says '' could not retrieve server list .goig single-player.''
and when i go to minecraft.net the page gets an error when i try to log in or go to multiplayer.
please help.
What to do when you get this?
Could not find the main class: Main. Program will exit.
ERROR: Failed to run minecraft
JAVA6="C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\bin\java.exe"
And you have the minecraft.jar in the lib folder?
i tried this and got message "Failed to load Main-Class manifest attribute from Users/student/Downloads/Minecraft.jar. I use Mac OS X v. 10.6.3
okay i am signing in right but no list of the servers come up. why is that?
my client doesnt work (I have a mac OSx) can you tell me why plz
I can download it just fine, its just that when i bring up the application, it doesnt show any server lists. So I CAN'T JOIN!!!! ARGH HELP!!!!!
I downloaded it but i dont Know How To Make It Work Please Help.
i open it up and it says "found unknown windows version: windows 7"
help plz?
Does anyone know if it doesn't work on macs?
i cant join anyones servers! noone comes up...
It's officially been a YEAR since this client was actually updated
how can i get fly hack work?
i dont see the download but im logged in can anyone tell me where its at
go to the first page of comments and the very first comment there should be a link that says womclient-1.5.9. (something like that) and an address, copy it and you'll get the minecraft.jar
ive dine what the instructions say exept the "extract folder" i tried right clicking but it doesnt say extract. i have a mac but when i try to execute run.bat it says "there is no default application specified to open the document "run.bat""
this doesnt freakin work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(
It doesn't know what to open it with. It says that it doesnt have anything to open the run.bat file with
This would be fun!!!
i have no servers appearing and when i try to past url it says
i have a error "WARNING: Found unknown windows version: windows 7"
i put in the url and everything but it just keeps generating a new level
i cant even see the linl help ive registerd and everything
this is making me peeved off i cant get mine craft.jar i rilly just want to fly that's all. i followed instrusions iv wached videos (that wernt therow enuf) and peps told me (also not therou enuf) plez help.
Please help me
im getting the erro could not find main
cound not start minecraft
HELP please already copy the minecraft.jar to the lib!"!!!!
! C:\Users\matthew\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Low\Content.IE5\K9QU6VGQ\womclient-1.5.9[1].zip: Unexpected end of archive
Please Help!
Could this be because I'm using windows 7?
I'm using Win7 too, no problems with server list.
Check the firewall or any other software what affects on internet connection.
When I run the client and after I log in, the servers & maps box that comes up... all 3 of those boxes are empty. Can anyone help me...? Everytime I type in my friends server name/URL in the bookmarks box, and go to join it, it takes me to a single map all by myself.
the thing wont let me go on it says minecraft jar not found
All you have to do is click the link below.
then instead of opening it save it to your lib file. then its done.
I followed the instructions and it still says it will not work.
I dont see any servers please help?
thx for help
ok es geht nicht f*** !!!!!!!!!!!
when i click download the download doesn't start and there isnt an option to start it what do id o cos i really want the hack
hey joker about theoneslava survival the server is periodically down i am trying to run on it now but its really hard to get in lol ill let you know if it works
people what zip program are u using cause use either jzip or wimzip they work better then you extract preferabbly to desktop makes a lot easier then you just put the exe or whatever file in the lib folder use the run thing adn it should work not that hard
You guys really shouldn't be on the internet if you don't f***ing know how to copy and paste.
das geht net
i dont find the download
please answer me! someone...
you could just look at the first comment at the bottem the file will be small because I dont see the point of ataching a file on the same post as the file.
I can't see the download link but 'm logged in.
Just to make sure you're looking in the right place

Mine simply freezes at the login box. It just does nothing.
WoM Coins: 0
lol why you dont make 1 full client and upload it -.-